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The Significance of Authenticity

The-Significance-of-Authenticity-for-Debra-Hall-Lifestyle Debra Hall Lifestyle

The Significance of Authenticity 

             It has been some time since we wrote the last blog, far too long to be honest. Having only the one work posted, I’ve really got an itch to start writing. Initially I had planned to do a several written works a month, if not a weekly effort. No messing about this time around! I promise!

            Today as I was getting ready to begin writing, I was thinking of what prompt would be a good starting point. Ive decided to talk about the authenticity of our brand here at DHL. It is very important that you all know that we strive to always have the best quality and accuracy in our products. Whether that be the historical precision in dating items, the countries or places that they originate from or even how they were used in the time they were made. I take personal pride in my own verification as well as getting good information from my buying sources. That way I can correctly relay the information to you all! Plus, authenticity is all about respect. Respect to those who deserve it for creating and crafting, as well as respect to you loyal customers that purchase! I would never want to pass on an item unknowingly, with inaccurate information. 

            Over the years of collecting, hunting and buying I can say my eyes have a bit of training and experience now. Reproductions and fakes may slip by some but not here! ;) The authenticity of any one product is what makes it so special. Accurate history can really help to bring out characteristics and uniqueness. Knowing countries of origin gives us insight to materials and tools that may have used to craft them as well. I could ramble on about the importance of authenticating but I think you’re gettin the gist of it. We want to know exactly what we are holding in our hands, whose held it before us and the proper way to preserve it. Hopefully this doesn’t come as a surprise but I wanted to share it regardless. We’ll see ya on the next one, 




Thom Rios

I appreciate your desire to be “real”. Vintage is nice because it often is the product of real craftsmanship and materials. I wonder though, is that only found in the past? Are there not products produced now that will be classics in the future? Kind of like finding Picasso or Van Gogh before everyone else? Wouldn’t that be even more satisfying and profitable? It seems that would require an even sharper eye.